A series of interviewers with professors and researchers ( http://www.investintuscany.com/knowledge_rd.html ) explain the ideas and projects behind creating a centre for concentration of development in the field of laser technology. This is running in cooperation with university and other institutions to gather expertise.
An interview with:
Prof. Massimo Inguscio
Full professor of Condensed Matter Physics and Atomic Physics - University of Florence
Director of Physical Sciences and Matter Technologies (DSFTM) of CNR
LENS co-founder
Prof. Theodor Hänsch
Nobel Prize for Physics 2005
Jacopo Catani, Ph.D.
Researcher of National Institute of Optics (INO-CNR) & LENS
Research Line: Atomic Physics - Quantum information and computing
Francesco Vanzi, Dr. Researcher of Biology Dept.- University of Florence & LENS
Research Line: BioPhotonics - Advanced and Correlative Microscopy