WoW 9.1 Week 11 Raid DPS Rankings: Looking at the best raid specs in this week of Sanctum of Domination raiding.
Melee DPS make up the Top5 of DPS Performers is Sanctum of Domination.
Elemental and Affliction remain staples of AOE damage profiles, Feral is the premiere Single Target Spec this Tier, followed by Enhancement (!), Shadow Priest and all three (!!!) Rogue Specs.
The Question of the Day is? What is up with the MOST POPULAR Specs being so underwhelming in the overall Performance?
Why are people even playing the Specs if they’re not doing TOP Damage?
00:00 9.1 Raid Specs Popularity
03:09 TOP DPS: Popularity VS Performance up to 9.0
05:43 TOP DPS: Popularity VS Performance in 9.1 Raid
08:21 Explanation #1: These Specs were popular in Castle Nathria
11:09 Explanation #2: Jack of all trades, master of none
14:27 Explanation #3: Overall Damage =/= Most Important Damage
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