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In this video, we will explore What is a Behavior.
Many things that we do on an everyday basis are preprogrammed, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t change them.
Behavior is the way in which the person behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus.
It’s important that as humans we are preprogrammed in a certain way, but the good thing is that we can reshape who we are.
For example, you might be stress eating. It’s a condition where you eat as soon as you feel stressed even when you are not hungry.
This, of course, creates further consequences as you will put on some extra weight, fell less motivated to exercises etc.
Or you might be sensitive to challenges. And every time you hit the challenge or obstacle you tend to give up.
This hinders your progress towards things that you want to achieve because when you hit an obstacle it will take time until you get back to it
It’s very natural to behave in a certain way, but as I said - the good thing is that you can change your Behavior. Here are some strategies on how to do that.
First - Change your environment. If you feel that you are constantly getting distracted while working on your projects from home then try to change your environment.
Some people are big fans to working from coffee shops. I personally really like working from local libraries as I’m always productive from there.
Second - Adapt new beliefs. If you give up when you hit obstacles then maybe you are a perfectionist. Change your beliefs that it’s okay not to be perfect and you will start making progress.
Third - Reward yourself. We are all driven by rewards so if you include rewards in your life then you can adjust your behavior.
I hope that you enjoyed this video and I was able to give you a quick summary of what Behavior is and how you can influence and change it. _________
Hi, My name is Janis and I’m Content Creator and Entrepreneur.
One thing that I’m really passionate about is Time Management. Time is the resource that we all need to manage in order to achieve our goals.
So on this channel, you will find content about Time Management, Productivity, How to build your daily structure, etc.
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If you are looking for 1to1 accountability coaching then feel free to drop me an email to janis.krekovskis@gmail.com🔥
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