난 그 여자가 학생인 줄 알았는데 알고보니 결혼도 하고 아이도 둘이나 있더라고.
I thought she was a student but it turned out she was married and had two kids. ( …. but it turns out she is married and has two kids.)
문법적으로는 틀리지만 많이 사용되는 방식 :
… but it turns out she was married and had two kids.
난 그녀가 발렌타인 데이에 대해서 완전히 까먹은 줄 알았는데 알고보니 나를 위해 서프라이즈를 준비하고 있었더라고.
I thought she had completely forgotten about Valentine’s Day but it turned(turns) out she was planning a surprise for me.
나는 별로 기대 안하고 있었는데 영화가 정말 재밌더라.
I wasn’t expecting much, but the movie turned out to be great.
나는 독서를 즐겨서 하는 편이 아니라서 별 기대 안하고 있었는데 책이 정말 재밌더라.
I don’t really enjoy reading, so I wasn’t expecting much. But the book turned out to be really fun/good.
보통 파티에 가는 것을 즐기는 편은 아니어서 별로 기대는 안했는데 정말 재밌었어.
I don’t normally enjoy going to parties, so I wasn’t really expecting much. But it turned out to be really(a lot of) fun.
🤝 채널을 후원하고 추가영상도 보세요!
☕️라이브아카데미 네이버 카페
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