Ey’ Boys. The future of gaming is here, in an absolutely stunning ten frames per second. Deer and I held on as long as we could. Being more tolerant to eldritch mind-warp galaxy-juice than the average spacer n’ all,- we only felt it honorable to edge for as long as we could. But, even Veteran Star-Busters like us succumbed to the latent gamer ahegao brain-blasting contained in the background radiation of Star Citizen.
We did virtually nothing for fifty-five minutes. We killed nothing, stole nothing, profited in no ways (I actually lost credits lol), and gained no material possessions. Deer crashed about six times, I was oxygen deprived the entire session, and I had to relearn literacy after we quit. My rig now has a perpetual aroma of simmering plastic, and occasionally my PCU leaks this strange, cyan, / g o o / that makes my teeth vibrate when I touch it. I’m on stem-cells now.
Honestly a 11/10 game in every way never played a better one. I recommend the Aurora starting package!
More on the way, Raiders. Real rapid-fire-like. Stay safe out there, good luck, and take it easy. I’ll catchya’ around.
[Music List]
[Deer ‘Dyson-Sack’ Dunennutt]
[Shadss """Ace Pilot""" SunSucker]
[Recording Date]