What does Guffaw mean? Learn the meaning of Guffaw as we define this advanced vocabulary word with a simple definition, pictures, example sentences, English pronunciation and audio.
Guffaw definition (noun) a noisy spurt of laughter
Guffaw pronunciation: guh-faw
Examples of Guffaw in a sentence:
1. After the comedian told a funny joke, he was pleased to receive a large guffaw from the audience.
2. I had to mute the sound on my telephone so my boss would not hear my guffaw to his ridiculous comments.
3. When I tickle my youngest daughter’s tummy, she always makes a loud guffaw.
4. Most medical doctors say having a good laugh or guffaw is a great way to start the day.
5. When the beauty pageant contestant saw her rival fall off the stage, she tried to hide her guffaw by covering her mouth with her hands.
Guffaw synonyms and other related words for Guffaw
laugh, roar, giggle, cackle, laughter, snicker, titter, belly laugh, cachinnation, chortle, chuckle, snigger, horselaugh, howl, hee-haw, hoot, scream, shout, cachinnate, heehaw, shriek, crow, laugh loudly, break up, burst of laughter, laughing, snort, fit of laughter, roar of laughter, roar with laughter
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