Meaning of Innocuous [adjective] in·noc·u·ous |
\ i-ˈnä-kyə-wəs/ | इˈनॉक्युअस् Harmless. Not likely to offend or hurt someone’s feelings or upset somebody. हानिरहित। किसी की भावनाओं को ठेस पहुँचाने या ठेस पहुँचाने या किसी को परेशान करने की संभावना नहीं है; Something that is completely safe and harmless and won’t cause any hurt or injury. कुछ ऐसा जो पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित और हानिरहित हो और जिससे कोई चोट या चोट न लगे; Chapters: 00:00 Subscribe to NutSpace 00:08 Innocuous Pronunciation 00:13 Innocuous Meaning 1 00:22 Innocuous Enactment 1 (VocabAct) 01:37 Innocuous Sentence 01:50 Innocuous Meaning 2 02:00 Innocuous Enactment 2 (VocabAct) 02:38 Innocuous Sentence 2 Innocuous Sentences Even though his remark was innocuous, his mother felt offended. She asked her son to not panic when they saw a snake in the park for it was an innocuous species and would not harm them. Innocuous Synonyms – benign harmless hurtless innocent inoffensive safe white Innocuous Antonyms – adverse baneful damaging dangerous deleterious detrimental harmful hurtful mischievous nocuous noxious pernicious ———– Don’t forget to subscribe to our youtube channel. For online courses: ———- Learn to Learn in English with NutSpace’s Phonics Program ———- Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and follow us on other social media platforms: YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: —————————————————– Credits: —————————————————– Rohini Vij Viraaj Khattar — A NutSpace Edtech Production — #vocabact #vocabulary #wordoftheday #innocuous |